We the Texans

Welcome beloved friends. Let's gather and talk about our beautiful state "Texas".

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Death Penalty

       Death penalty or capital punishment is a sentence of death upon individuals by judicial process as a punishment for an offence. Execution is a matter of controversy in various States and the position can vary within a single political ideology or cultural region. Amount States that have adopted death penalty, Texas occupies the first rank. The position is due to fact that Texans considered execution as part of their culture.  Therefore, it has always been carry throughout Texas history. Since the adoption of the death sentence, Texas encountered 474 executions.
     The formal Texas Governor Rick Perry is popular in Texas because of the 234 executions he presides since he took the office in 2000. According to the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune poll, Texans are supporting the death penalty in substantial number even in the face of doubts about fairness of process. For example, during the presidential primary Wednesday September 7, 2011 Governor Rick Perry and his followers showed a sense of proudness when the moderator Brian Williams talked about the 234 executions that Governor Rick Perry presided. Those numbers are scary if we considered the fact that the judicial system is not hundred percent reliable and a percentage people killed can actually not be guilty.

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